Posté le: Mar Juil 15, 2014 6:34 pm Sujet du message:
Up (s'il y a encore du monde qui traîne par ici )
J'ai réussi à trouver toutes les pistes des deux CD Drama de Mai Otome sur youtube, mais ce n'est pas traduit :/ Et si je ne compte que sur mes compétences en japonais pour comprendre, dans 3 ans j'y suis encore
J'ai seulement la traduction de quelques pistes du CD 1 (celles présentes dans ce topic en fait ^^), donc je suis preneuse pour tout autre résumé/traduction même en anglais.
Le lien en haut de la page, avec les traductions/résumés en anglais du volume 1, est mort
Posté le: Mar Mar 01, 2016 4:36 am Sujet du message:
Le site il a fermé :'(
Je pense pas avoir tout copié en + :'(
Ça m'étonne un peu... mais bon je chercherai.
En attendant :
CD 1 piste 9 en anglais
*Track 9 - Dai EX wa - <Bonus Track> Natsuki·Kruger kaikoroku
Whole track is about Natsuki and Mai.
[Monologue by Natsuki:] September 9th, Tokiha Takumi no Kami Tadayori [and his men] went back to Zipang. He really is... that person... Mai's...
CD DRAMA Mai-Otome Miss Maria wa Miteita Vol. 1 - Bonus Track - Natsuki·Kruger kaikoroku
I don't even know how long ago it was, the first time I met that person... but I can still remember the things that happened back then. She spoke on impulse, and entered Garderobe as the number one Coral. But, she doesn't know anything, not like an Otome at all. [end monologue]
Mai sees Natsuki carrying lingerie, engages in conversation with her. "Those things look really expensive, Kruger-san, you must be rich." Natsuki denies it and comments on Mai's chest. She claims that it just annoys her and she like's Natsuki's slim body better. But Natsuki still envies Mai. Mai suddenly changes the topic and wants to call Natsuki Kuga-san instead of Kruger-san, because "Kruger-san is hard to pronounce." Natsuki, very seriously, says no ["sore wa yamero." in the kakkoii Natsuki voice]. Then Mai asks if she can call her Natsuki-san, and Natsuki can call her Mai. Natsuki agrees.
Yukariko-sensei suddenly comes over and asks if they can help her. She says that there's an intruder in the school, and all the Pearls are searching for the intruder right now. "If it's okay, can you top Corals help out too?" Mai thought it was a thief or something, and Natsuki almost literally calls her stupid, and wonders why this kind of a person is Coral Number One.
Natsuki reveals that Otome are very popular people, so fans will try to sneak into Garderobe to take photos and get autographs. Sometimes there are even thieves that steal panties and uniforms to sell. Mai asks who that teacher was. Natsuki says it's Yukariko-sensei who just came back this year to teach again. "Again?" She was a meister before, but a lot of things happened between her and her master, so she cancelled the contract and came back. "Things?" "You've probably heard already... Otome are... well... they have to be otome [maidens/virgins]." "Oh! So she attracted her master..."
Noise around some random bush. Mai goes into the bush while Natsuki is on the look out, unwillingly. Turns out it's a cat. A black, fat, and cute little cat with a scar on it's forehead and an earring [isn't this obvious enough?]. Mai comments that next time she sees the cat again she'll feed it. She suddenly mentions that Natsuki is like a cat. Towards strangers, [she] is very cold and serious. Natsuki of course denies it. Mai suddenly pokes her and she screams. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR, KISAMA!?" "It's different from when you're changing... you look sexy like this!" Mai has more to say but Natsuki shuts her up. Mai says that she finally saw "ojou-sama"'s true face. "Looks like we can become good friends!" "Meh, whatever."
Shizuru-sama suddenly comes over. "Shizuru-oneesama...", said by Natsuki in a way that undoubtedly says she's a Shizuru-sama fan. "Shizuru... Oh, ranked first in Trias" proves that Mai really doesn't know anything. Natsuki immediately says gokigenyou, and Shizuru-sama repeats what she said and knows that they are Coral Number One and Two, Mai-san and Natsuki-san. Natsuki is shocked that Shizuru-sama remembers.
Finally being noticed is a child that is clinging onto Shizuru-sama. She explains that this little kid is the so-called intruder. Mai 'gently' asks the little girl for her name, and why she intruded into the school. The little girl says that she is Tomoe and has to become an Otome no matter what. Mai asks who's fan she is, and she says that she's Shizuru-oneesama's fan. "Ara, she said something that sounds nice~", as expected of Shizuru-sama. Mai continues asking questions, and asks if Chibi Tomoe-chan is happy after seeing Shizuru-sama, but of course the answer's yes. Natsuki gets back on track and asks what Shizuru-sama is going to do with Tomoe. "Not only is she my fan, but being able to avoid all the school's alarms and traps, she has great potential, so I'll just take her back out." Natsuki asks if that's okay, but Shizuru-sama says yes -___-;.
"Understand? Tomoe-chan, when you grow up, take the examination and come to this school~" "HAI!" Shizuru-sama gives Tomoe a kiss [CHEEKS... I think] and she is so happy that her legs so weak... Natsuki stares with a look of envy and Shizuru-sama suggests that she does it to Natsuki too but Natsuki declines [unwillingly <_<]. After all, having an onee-sama do that to you isn't appropriate. Shizuru-sama says that this is a secret between us three, and takes Tomoe-chan back outside...
"I talked to Shizuru-sama... Why are you looking at me like that!?" Mai understands that even though Natsuki didn't say it, she is a Shizuru-sama fan too. Of course as Natsuki she denies it. Mai asks why she doesn't become Shizuru-sama's room attendant, but she can't just go and ask her! So Mai decides to help her out, and the scene ends...
[Monologue by Natsuki:] That is how Mai said it, while smiling. Using her pure smile, to a person who doesn't have anyone that she could call a "good friend", is shocking. Since a time I don't know, I always followed her footsteps forward. Towards others, my mask immediately peels off too. Because of that, I made many good friends, even though I don't want to admit it, it's probably all because of Mai. Mai, where are you right now? I believe that, one day, we will meet again. And, after a lot of trouble, I finally became Shizuru-oneesama... no, Shizuru's room attendant. I learned about her personality, and my image of her was ruined, but I fell in love with her again. That's another story.
Disclaimer: I don't own this translation but I can't remember where I found it. If you know who the author is, please let us know.
Je sais plus où j'ai trouvé ça (Animesuki ? Le site que j'ai posté + haut ?) mais dès que possible j'ajoute ça directement dans le mp3
Mais j'ai pas toutes les trad du vol 1 (enfin j'ai que les trad qui m'importent :p = quand ya Natsu ou Shizuru )
Posté le: Ven Mar 04, 2016 8:59 am Sujet du message:
Génial ! Merci beaucoup !
J'ai été capable de comprendre "kugatsu kokonoka", c'est déjà pas mal (encore heureux en même temps, vu que c'est ma date d'anniversaire c'est la première date que j'aie mémorisée en japonais ^^)
En fait j'avais déjà lu un résumé de cette piste, concernant la partie où Natsuki et Mai participent à la recherche de l'intrus. Mais il n'y avait pas ce qui précède dans ce que j'avais lu : le fait que Mai demande à appeler Natsuki Kuga-san ( ) puis la discussion concernant Yukariko. Très intéressante d'ailleurs ! Donc Yukariko a eu un Master, avec qui elle a annulé son contrat par peur qu'il se passe quelque chose entre eux... Je me demande bien qui c'était. Si on compare à MH, la logique voudrait que ce soit Ishigami, mais tel qu'on le voit dans MOZwei, ça n'a pas l'air d'être quelqu'un de haut placé méritant une Otome...
Visiblement dans la piste sonore, après que Mai déduise que Yukariko était attirée par son Master, Natsuki répond quelque chose, ce serait intéressant de savoir quoi.
J'aurais aimé mieux comprendre la fin aussi, quand Natsuki dit qu'elle est à nouveau tombée amoureuse de Shizuru, il me semble qu'elle emploie simplement le mot "suki", non ?
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